An artist’s headspace

Photographers are realists,
artists are mystics.”

This series portrays significant Montreal artists and their creative environment. Painters, sculptors, writers and musicians are photographed on classic analog film.

images © 2018-2020 Rico Michel

Beyond a faithful documentation of the times, the project is interested in the artist as an oracle, interpreter and messenger of a reality which escapes rational thinking. Like a demiurge, the artist is momentarily invested with the heroic power of creation.

The serie’s photographic approach is a combination of classic portraiture and documentary photography. These are environmental portraits, in which the photographer foremost seeks to grasp the deep nature of his subject, but also depicts them in their immediate personal environment, adding narrative elements to the representation.

The layout of the workspace and the tools of the trade, while being essentially functional elements, are also revealing of an intimate staging which contributes to the portrait of the artist, as do their physical appearance or the work itself.

The portraits are taken on classic analog medium format film (6×7). The negative is exposed, developed, then scanned and processed in a digital darkroom. Finally, the chosen images are printed on light-sensitive photographic paper. This hybrid approach, part physical, part digital, allows for very large prints while also maintaining the rich, deep tonalities provided by analog processes.

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© 2025 Rico Michel – All rights reserved